PSYCHEDELICS RELIEVES PAIN Study has revealed that a lot of persons as a result of the demands of their jobs, hectic lifestyle, health conditions and sometimes conditions beyond their reach often suffer from severe and chronic pain. Hence, they are constantly on the look pout for all sorts of pain relievers i.e., Tylenol, Advil, or anything that comes their way just in a bid to boost healthy living. Some decide to opt for massage and therapeutic sessions. However, patients who suffer pain as result of health conditions over time grow weary of constantly popping in pills and the expensive cost of the therapeutic sessions. Hence, the dive into a more natural means of relieving pain and other innovative, cost effective health supplements especially in Canada, North America, South America and Europe. Despite these innovations, Modernism terms it as unorthodox and primitive. However, let’s briefly consider the health effects of the use of Psychedelics. Relieving Effects of...